The National Conferences on Undergraduate Research began at UNC Asheville in 1987. After the first NCUR, many participants expressed interest in a conference publication, and UNC Asheville assumed the role of editing and publishing this document as the host for the second conference. When the conference moved to Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas in 1989, the Board agreed to allow UNC Asheville to continue published the conference document. This agreement has continued to this day. The NCUR Governing Board appoints the Proceedings’ editor. Prior to 1991 Kathy Whatley was the editor, and after NCUR ’91, Bob Yearout assumed this role. The Proceedings has grown since its inception to a collection of over 350 papers contained on one CD. The Proceedings has become a semi-self supporting enterprise.
How can I find my NCUR Proceedings paper?
- http://libjournals.unca.edu/ncur/
Proceedings Contact Information
- NCUR Proceedings
- UNC Asheville
- 228 Zageir Hall, CPO 1810
- One University Heights
- Asheville, NC 28804-8509
- ncureditorialstaff@unca.edu