Fall 2024 Department Oral Presentation Schedule

Due to the situation caused by Hurricane Helene, the Fall 2024 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Presentation Day was canceled and the departments scheduled their own Presentation Days listed below (as they become known).

Art – Monday, December 9, 10:00am – 1:30pm, Owen Hall 203 and via Zoom

Art History – Wednesday, November 20, 3:30pm – 5:00 pm, via Zoom

Biology – Monday, November 25, 12:30pm – 2:00pm, Zeis 123 and via Zoom

Business – To be announced

Chemistry – Friday, December 6, 2:00pm – 3:00pm, via Zoom Meeting ID: 921 0377 3127 Passcode: 879566

Economics – To be announced

Environmental Science – December 5, Karpen 038, noon – 2:00pm, via Zoom  Schedule of Presentations

Health Sciences – To be announced

History – Monday, December 2, 1:30pm – 3:30pm, via Zoom

Psychology – Thursday, December 5, noon DEL Lobby

McCullough Fellowship (Multiple Departments Represented), December 5, Karpen 038, noon – 2:00pm, via Zoom  Schedule of Presentations


Individual Presentations Timeline

Click 🎦 to view presentation recording

Wednesday, November 20, 3:30pm – 5:00 pm

Power Plays and Perfect Forms: The Greek Art of Building (and Binding) Gender Morgan Sturtevant, Dr. Laurel Taylor  🎦

The Unicorn and its Relation with Gender Throughout the Ages Evie  Houston, Dr. Laurel Taylor  🎦

Between Two Masters: Reconciling Faith and Scholarship at the Museum of the Bible Margaret Priest, Dr. Laurel Taylor  🎦

Under the Guise of Heteronormative Desire: Analyzing the Art of Boucher and Fragonard Jenna Haggett, Dr. Laurel Taylor  🎦

Monday, November 25, 12:30pm – 2:00pm

12:30pm – Use of CRISPR Interference to Create Essential Gene Knockdowns in Staphylococcus aureus, Jacob Fender, Dr. Melinda Grosser  🎦

12:50pm – Elucidating determinants at the G𝜶13 N-terminus for binding to the 𝜷𝜸 dimer, Forbes Fowler, Dr. Ted Meigs  🎦

1:10pm – Further Exploration of Potential Cryptic Species in the deadly Amanita bisporigera complex in western North Carolina, Daphne Homen, Dr. Jonathan Horton  🎦

1:40pm – Impact of Controlled Burns on Soil Arthropod Biodiversity, Abigail Levinson, Dr. Camila Filgueiras  🎦

Monday, December 2, 1:30pm – 3:30pm

1:35pm – Allied Intervention in the Russian Civil War, Ed Walsh

1:55pm – “Ochlokratía”: The Greek Town Riot, Nativism, and Racial Mob Violence in the United States, 1890-1924, Cameron Mackie

2:15pm – The Collection of Forster Sondley: How A Horseshoe Changed The History Of Asheville Forever, Hayley Kintz

2:35pm – Spinsters Books and Webbery: Radical Feminism in the Midwest, Corinne Mikulik

2:55pm – Congressman Roy A Taylor, Nelson Puckett

3:15pm – Honest Energy, Elijah Walker-Haigh

December 5, noon – 2:00pm

Composting in Asheville: Assessing Current Practices and Exploring Sustainable Solutions, Ava Bjorkman-Tracy, Dr. Dee Eggers, McCullough Fellowship: Department of Environmental Science

Bridging academic research and applied conservation: New genetic technologies to improve the conservation management of Smoky Mountain Elk, Phoebe Carnes, Dr. Graham Reynolds, McCullough Fellowship: Department of Biology

ᎡᎶᎯ ᏗᏂᎦᏘᏱ Elohi Dinigatiyi: Emphasizing Relationality in Co-Stewarding Cherokee Ancestral Homelands, Jane Jeffries, Dr. Trey Adcock, McCullough Fellowship: Department of American Indian and Indigenous Studies

Recreational Water Quality Monitoring in the French Broad River Basin: a Preliminary Analysis of Seven Potential Escherichia coli Estimator Sites, Kari Kvittem, Dr. David Gillette, McCullough Fellowship: Department of Environmental Science

Shifts in Avian Community Composition in Response to Eastern Hemlock Decline in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Nicole Mooradian, Dr. Andrew Laughlin, McCullough Fellowship: Department of Environmental Science

The Last Chair of the Forest and the Plastic Bottle, Edwin Salas Acosta, Dr. Victoria Bradbury, McCullough Fellowship: Department of New Media

Herpetofauna Species Diversity in Constructed Wetlands and Adjacent Habitats, A. J. Rowe, Dr. Landon Ward

Factors Influencing the Distribution of Crossvine in Western North Carolina, Justin Tapia, Dr. Irene Rossell

Thursday, December 5, noon

Yoga as a Non-Pharmacological Mechanism to Manage Chronic Headache Disorders, Taylor Gardner, Dr. Mark Harvey, Dr. Tracy George, and Dr. Patrick Foo

Friday, December 6, 2:00pm – 3:00pm

2:05 PM – 2:25 PM – Synthesis and Evaluation of Quinoline Derived Antibiotics, Darien Allen, Dr. Amanda Wolfe

2:25 PM – 2:45 PM – Development of a Covalent Labeling Assay of Quorum Sensing Enzyme LuxS, Sophie Pruitt, Dr. Caitlin McMahon

Monday, December 9, 10:00am – 1:30pm

Oikos Umbra: queering the House of Nature and the nature of house through grief and rage, Briar Coleman, Dr. Jackson Martin, Dr. Brent Skidmore

Self-Presertation: The Exploration of Self-Identity Through Art, Cayla Ritchy, Dr. Suzanne Dittenber

Self-Portraits: Artistic Synthesis, the Human Condition, and the Shape of Things to Come, Desmond Killian

The Sacred Sedentary, Olive Spence, Dr. Suzanne Dittenber, Dr. Brent Skidmore, Dr. Jackson Martin, Dr. Eric Tomberlin, Dr. Louise Deroualle, Dr. Megan Wolfe, Dr. Carrie Tomberlin

Taking Up Space: How Figurative Sculpture Connects and Liberates Queer Community, Lenny Kyriakoulis, Dr. Louise Deroualle, Dr. Brent Skidmore, Dr. Jackson Martin, Dr. Megan Wolfe

Creature Comforts: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Monstrosity and Queerness, Celie Waddington, Dr. Megan Wolfe, Dr. Louise Deroualle

Girlhood, Innocence and Trauma: Coming of Age within the Patriarchy, Mariana Restrepo-Molina, Dr. Suzanne Dittenber, Dr. Robert Anderson

Sacred Spaces, Owen Baloga, Dr. Megan Wolfe, Dr. Carrie Tomberlin, Dr. Louise Deroualle, Dr. Jackson Martin, Dr. Brent Skidmore