Welcome to Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity

Undergraduate research and creative activity is self-directed/designed academic work by an individual student or team of students that addresses a research question with the expectation of a scholarly or creative product intended for publication or presentation on or off-campus.  UNC Asheville founded the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) more than 30 years ago, and celebrated the milestone by bringing more than 4,000 undergraduate research students to campus in 2016.

The Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Program (URCAP) offers hands-on experience in the field, guided by expert faculty who let students take the lead.  More than 65 percent of UNC Asheville students complete original research in their field of study through the University’s nationally recognized Program (URCAP)—an opportunity most often found in graduate programs.  UNC Asheville’s URCAP has been recognized in U.S. News and World Report’s national rankings as a “program of distinction.”

Our Mission

The mission of the UNC Asheville Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Program is to provide students with a wide variety of research, scholarly and creative opportunities that support and supplement other educational activities.  The Program encourages students and faculty mentors to engage in the complete, active research process, including design and implementation of projects and dissemination of results.

Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Portal

Student presenting at Undergraduate Research Symposium

UNC Asheville Journal of Undergraduate Research

Submit your work to the UNC Asheville Journal of Undergraduate Research.

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Applying for Undergraduate Research Program Grants video thumbnail

Watch the video on how to prepare your Grant Proposal

Everything you need to know to write a successful proposal.

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Student in front of their artwork

University Research Scholar Designation

Receive this honor for your hard work and expertise.

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